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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lack of Rainfall Concerns Farmers

EASTON, Md. - The lack of rainfall has farmers concerned. Planting season should be in full force by now. Instead, many farmers are waiting for some rain.
April is typically a wet month but so far, it has been very, very dry.
"We missed a lot of April showers," said Talbot County farmer Greg Gannon. "We're typically waiting for a dry spell time of year but it's a reversal because we are waiting for some moisture this time."
Gannon said farming can be tricky. Seeds need the right balance of heat and rain to grow properly.
"It takes a certain amount of heat and moisture to make the seed germinate, which is planted an inch or two inches deep," said Gannon. "Within the first two or three inches of soil, there is no moisture and it will simply just lay there and so it won't sprout."
On the Eastern Shore, April normally brings well more than 3 inches of rain. But so far this year, the region has received less than a quarter of an inch, which is not enough to get things going and growing.
"It's causing problems as far as planting," said Gannon. "We're coming up on primetime to plant corn between now and through the first week in May, when there is not enough moisture to sprout the seed it becomes difficult."
Greg is getting as much done in the fields as he can. Without rain, there is not much for him to gain.

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