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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Salisbury University students that a protest was in the making

The social network Dirty had received word from Salisbury University students that a protest was in the making. The demonstration would have concerned the students who had been pepper sprayed by police last weekend at the War On The Shore party at Cedar Crossing in Salisbury.
But Dirty Bury on Friday released a statement asking for students to proceed this weekend with caution.
Rumors have circulated of students purchasing mace, this is untrue, we are not delusional, we are not ignorant. We encourage students to be responsible, be respectful listen to police". From Dirty
An increase in police presence at this years Salisbury Festival and surrounding areas may have been a possible deterrent to any protest". Salisbury Police along with five other law enforcement agencies are conducting saturation patrols to curtail any possible uprising".
"our zero tolerance policy for noise violations, alcohol violations and other illegal activities is designed with one goal in mind, the safety and security of our entire community". Said, Barbara Duncan, Salisbury Police Chief
Salisbury University officials also met earlier in the week with student leadership groups to help persuade their peers to stay out of harms way too.

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