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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fires Across The Region Concern Firefighters

A string of fires across the region kept firefighters busy Tuesday.
It all started with a small house fire in Salisbury. "They found a bedroom that had been on fire - with it still smoldering, they completely extinguished the fire," said Darrin Scott, Assistant Chief.
Meanwhile a much bigger forest fire just behind Delmar High School proved difficult to put out. "It's been so dry. We dumped anywhere between 10,000 - 15,000 gallons of water on it to put it out," said Joe Morris, First Assistant Chief.

And just a couple miles away, crews battled a small brush fire. "Appears somebody that was having a controlled burn in the field - it got away from them, and instead of staying there, they left the scene. It spread and we managed to keep it from getting in the woods," said Morris.
Ironically, all in the wake of burn bans issued in Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset and Dorchester Counties in Maryland and Northampton County in Virginia.
If the dry conditions continue, fire officials say they are going to stay busy. "Wood fires and field fires are going to be a problem until we get some substantial rain. People really don't need to be burning unless they absolutely have to," said Morris.
There aren't any burn restrictions in Delaware right now. An annual burn ban begins May 1st until October 1st.
In Virginia, wildfires have burned more than 30,000 acres this month.

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