I received the Email below this morning and just shook my head. Those of you who know Darrin Scott are well aware of the good time person he is, you may say he is the life of the party! Darrin also has a passion for the youth and youth sports, more so baseball, Over the past years Darrin has coach both my sons through Little League as well as travel baseball and there was never a dull moment, all the kids loved to be on his team because of the pride he took in coaching. Darrin is a career Fireman at Station 16 in Salisbury and is also the Firechief in Delmar, he is just the type of person who voluteers for the community, Darrin has offered his time to raise money for MDA, the below Email will explain fully. I am asking every parrant of kids Darrin has coached and every person he has helped in a emergency by the way of the fire services to pony up, Darrin will never accept money for personal bennifit but her will take all that is offered for the kids. I would like to see the bail money doubled lets help Darrin cause.
To all,
To all,
need your help, so that I can help MDA. I am being Locked up on June the
6th 2012 for MDA and need to raise $3,000.00 dollars to bail myself
out. The event will be held at the Texas Roadhouse on the 6th of
June. Although some may want to keep me in jail I hope you will find a place in
your heart to give any amount that you can. The money that is raised will stay
right here on the shore. The money is raised to send kids to a camp for 5 days.
Just remember when you were a child and went to a summer camp and all the fun
you had. Give these kids a chance to have 5 days of fun and a chance to meet
other kids with similar disabilities. I understand we all are going through
challenging things everyday in today’s world but just think what these kids and
their families go through every day. So please help by going to www.mdalockup.org/salisbury and
search for jailbird and then type in my name Darrin Scott and give any amount
that you can. If this does not work please use the attachment and forward to
Fire Station 16 on Cypress St or give me a call at the phone number below and I
will come get it.
you in advance
Darrin Scott
Chief Darrin Scott, AAS

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