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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Dry Conditions Lingering on Delmarva

DOVER, Del.- Another day of dry and windy conditions across Delmarva on Tuesday called for a Red Flag warning until 8 p.m. But, the dry conditions have many people concerned, especially landscapers and farmers.
Farmers in Kent County said it has been one of the driest springs they can remember. Landscaper Evan Wrede advises that if you have an irrigation system, use it.
"In the coming weeks you're going to have to start dragging a sprinkler around," said Wrede. "I know a lot of the irrigation guys are turning their sprinklers on much earlier this year than they have in the past."

Wrede and his crew at All Seasons Landscaping are planting shrubs 12 inches into the ground, where there is still moisture. He said your lawn needs care too, as in the next few weeks grass will start browning if the area does not get rain.

Meanwhile, at Bobola Farms and Nursery, Ted Bobola said he is 4-5 inches behind on rainfall for the year and it is not just affecting his farm.
"It's kind of disappointing when we see a dry spring," he said. "People who like to garden and get out there and plant their shrubs and vegetables get discouraged."
He said if the dry weather continues to stick around, his flowers will not sell.
"Hopefully we'll start getting some showers and bring some more business into the nursery," he said. "Not that we're not having business, but it helps when you have a normal rain fall."

Harrington Volunteer Fire Company Capt. Kenny Brode said these dry-windy conditions are a perfect recipe for fire.
"If you're going to burn anything, just make sure it's attended," he said. "Make sure you have a garden hose nearby."

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