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Friday, February 3, 2012

DNR Heads to Annapolis for Blue Crab Regulation Hearing

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources held a public hearing Thursday night in Annapolis to consider a proposal that would unfreeze blue crab catcher licenses. If the proposal becomes a reality, that means 80 licenses would put about 4,000 additional crabbing pots in the Chesapeake Bay this upcoming crabbing season in April.
According to the DNR, the 2011 winter dredge survey showed the department reached the bench-mark that it set at 200 million adult crabs.
If DNR has its wish granted, watermen say that come crabbing season, the waters could be more crowded.
"If the [DNR] feels like they can stand to have more licenses in circulation, it looks like to me the fairest and simplest thing to do would have been to free up some of the restrictions that are already on us," said waterman Scott Todd.
Other watermen are raising concerns about the DNR allowing more crabbing traffic on the water.
"I find it to be disappointing move on the department's part," said waterman Bunky Chance. "Quite frankly, the bottom line is there already under a considerable amount of pressure."

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