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Friday, February 3, 2012

Community Reacts to National, Local Sex Offenses

Parents on Delmarva say they are keeping a close eye on their children following both national and local cases of sexual abuse of students by educators.
But Allison Scrivani, a counselor in Sussex County, said these cases of abuse of power are nothing new.
"There are more rules in place, which is wonderful," Scrivani said. "But people who are going to take advantage of children know how to slip in under the radar without being noticed."
Scrivani said the best way to protect your child is to know them well and have an open line of communication.
"You as a parent, a grandparent aunt or uncle know your child best," Scrivani said. "You really know at gut level if something is different. So jump on that, don't let it escape."

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