Delmar. Thomas and Nicole Mcguire of Delmar were arrested Thursday night on several counts of child abuse, sex abuse of a minor and preverted practices, 11 counts total. Seems Mr Mcguire is not a new face in the judiciary system, On January 4, 2012 he was arrested and charged on several counts of arson including, con. arson second and third degree, malicous burning second degree, two counts of contributing to a child, and two counts of reckless endangerment and was released on a $ 50,000.00 cash bond for the arson of a vacant house next to his, in which he coached two minor kids how to set on fire in November 2011, that trial is set for next month.
Nicole Mcguire, also has pending charges, two counts of false statment to police officer, two count of hindering and obstruction, Mrs Mcguire is also out on bond and awaits a March trial.
After a bail hearing Thomas Mcguire bail was reduced to $300,000. and Nicoles was reduced to $200,000.
Couldn't happen to two more deserving people. It is a happy day for Delmar when these two are locked up for good.
How nice for Delmar to finally be free of two thorns in its side.
These are 2 sick puppies....
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