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Sunday, February 5, 2012

City boards seeking residents to fill openings

SALISBURY -- Several city boards and commissions are seeking residents to fill openings. Interested parties should submit a resume and letter of interest to the Office of the Mayor, 125 North Division St., Room 304, Salisbury, Md. 21801. Submissions must be received by Feb. 9. For more information, call 410-548-3100.
The Election Board has one available opening for a resident who is a qualified voter of the city. The board hears appeals of decisions by the Election Administration concerning voter eligibility. The board meets as needed. The compensation, if any, is determined by the City Council.
The Central City District Commission has three openings. The commission advises the mayor and council on Central Business District matters pertaining to parking, bond financing, property acquisition, special tax district rates and the general betterment of the area. The commission meets on an as- needed basis.
The City Park Committee has one opening. The members of the committee provide advice to the mayor and council on the needs and future development of the park, and is responsible for accepting donations for improvements to the park.
The Marina Commission has one opening. This commission is responsible for consultations on construction, security, promotion, parking, landscaping, dock master's duties, fee structures for services rendered at the facility and general operations of the marina.
The Recycling Advisory Committee has openings for one southeast quadrant resident, two northwest quadrant residents and one northeast quadrant resident. The committee is comprised of residents charged with providing advice and recommendations to the director of Public Works, the mayor and the council on the needs, requirements and future development of the city's recycling program. The committee also helps educate city residents on the importance and procedures of recycling.
The Traffic and Safety Advisory Committee has openings for qualified city residents. The committee provides advice to the mayor and council on changes needed in the city's transportation network to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety and the efficiency of traffic movement. Problems that may be addressed by the committee include those that may require either short- or long-term solutions. The committee may also make recommendations that affect the transportation network lying outside city limits, if such recommendations would have an impact on traffic and safety issues within the city.

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