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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Youth Depression and Suicide Awareness

 The Worcester County Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program is inviting the public to a open public hearing on Thursday, May 24th at the Berlin Town Hall at 7 PM.

The meeting will include a discussion, video presentation and a question/answer session about youth suicide, the warning signs and steps to take to save young lives.

"I think of suicide prevention as no different from CPR training," said Hope Hutira-Green, program manager of the Worcester County Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program, a local suicide prevention team. "Both save lives by preserving life and safety until trained professionals, therapists and crisis counselors can step in. Everyone needs to know."

Many rural areas across the country, including Worcester County suffers a higher than average suicide rate. The rate of youth suicide, adjusted for population, tops the list of all Maryland counties. And in Delaware, twelve suicides of middle school and high school aged students since January have raised suicide awareness.

For more information on this upcoming event or youth suicide, call 443-982-2716 or visit the

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