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Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Positions Appointed For Wicomico County Schools, And To Think The County Is Broke!

SALISBURY, Md. - The Wicomico County school board has approved two administrative positions for the 2012-13 school year. The two new positions include a supervisor of reading, and an Elementary school Assistant Principal. School officials said the new supervisor of reading is Patricia Blevins, who is the Coordinator of Reading, and Shelly Hall who is currently a 3rd grade teacher at Delmar Elementary School.


Anonymous said...

It isn't like they are creating new positions. The current Supervisor of Reading is retiring and I'm sure the new VP is replacing someone who is leaving next year. Just goes to show that people comment about things the BOE does without really knowing the whole story.

Delmar Daily said...

Sorry 9:36 pm but I dont see anywhere stating the positoins were new! But I can tell you the county is in a 14 million dollar shortfall, and I can tell you WCBOE has pushed off its 2013 budget because they are 5 million dollars from getting it balanced, I can tell you there will be WCBOE employees that may lose there jobs if Wicomico County doesn't get bail out money in the special session the State of Maryland is holding,its time for WCBOE to take a good look on how business is being conducted.
Don't get me wrong, I am not beating up on anybody, I know when you are promoted in WCBOE you go to a diffrent pay grade and we cant afford that right now. Hats off to both teachers that were promoted, but in a few months you see the reason for this statement.