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Friday, March 30, 2012

Rash Of Burglaries In Berlin

BERLIN, Md., - 3 burglaries in just 10 days in Downtown Berlin. Now officials are speaking out about how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim.
Corporal Seibert of Berlin Police Department says, "If your going to leave your house for any period of time whether your just going to the store, or your going away on vacation, make sure your doors and windows are locked and secured."
A stern message from Corporal Seibert of Berlin PD. And after a string of burglaries in Downtown Berlin, Police officials are now sending a warning to all Worcester county residents.

"These burglaries occurred while the residents were away from the home, unfortunately during the time that they were away there residence were left unsecured", the Corporal continues by saying, "Perpetrators of this crime entered the residence and stole small items to include cash and jewelry and then left the scene."
While these burglaries are under investigation, Police are advising residents to keep an eye out for their neighbors homes. And to contact your local Police department if you're going away.

"If your going to be out of town for any extended period of time, notify your local police department. And let them know so they can do regular security checks on your home while you're not there", states the Corporal.

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