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Thursday, February 2, 2012

School Officials Confident About Securing Funds for New Bennett Middle School

SALISBURY, Md.- Supporters of a new Bennett Middle School say the current school building is falling apart and worry about its safety.
The biggest challenge facing the Bennett Middle School project has been funding. A key victory came last week, when the Wicomico County Council reversed a previous decision to deny a letter of support for the new school.
But the financial battle is far from over.
Wicomico County Public Schools spokesperson Tracy Sahler said the school board is feeling good about the future of Bennett Middle School, as plans to fund the project continue to develop.

"We're optimistic that we will receive some level of state funding this year," she said.

But the project has been thrown another hurdle.
Since the County Council originally denied a letter of funding support for the new middle school, the state Board of Public Works decided to give $4.5 million to other counties.
Despite this latest setback, Sahler said things are in no way "on hold."

"When we went to make our appeal, we were starting from an amount of a zero recommendation, but we believe strongly that we have made the case for this project," she said.

The BOE is appealing to the Board of Public Works for funding.
Sahler said getting state funding is a four-step process that takes several months. Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has said he wants to put $375 million into building and renovating public schools in the state.
A final decision on funding for a new Bennett Middle School will come in May

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