GARDEN CITY, N.Y. (AP) - Two New York athletes have been suspended by school administrators for organizing several "kneel-downs" in tribute to NFL sensation Tim Tebow, who said Friday that while he appreciates their boldness, the students have to obey their elders.
"I think if they had good intentions, then good for them for having the courage to do something different," the Denver Broncos quarterback said when told of the suspensions this week on New York's Long Island.
The devout Christian, who has led his team to a 7-1 record, often kneels in prayer after a success on the gridiron.
He added: "You have to respect the position of authority and people that God's put as authority over you, so that's part of it, and just finding the right place and the right time to do things is part of it, too."
Riverhead High School administrators suspended 17-year-old twins Connor and Tyler Carroll this week after they organized several "Tebowing" tributes to the NFL star in their school hallway.
Connor Carroll said in a telephone interview on Friday afternoon that he and his friends - nearly 40 took part in the last of three demonstrations on Wednesday - merely wanted to pay tribute to Tebow as a "role model, leader and winner."
He conceded that although kneeling for Tebow has a religious connotation, their intent was simply to honor a sports hero.
Who cares if it WAS for religious reasons! As long as no one forced anyone to participate, then no one should have been suspended for it. There are student led prayers all the time across the country. The separation of church and state was intended to let people know it is ok to not be Christian, it was not intended to make it illegal to be one!!
6:36am...Well said
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