A Message from Carl
Dear Friends,
It is with careful thought and great excitement that I have chosen to run for Maryland House of Delegates as a representative of the residents of Legislative District 38b. I consider myself a lucky man to have grown up and lived on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, in both Wicomico and Somerset counties, for all of my life.
We're blessed to live in a truly unique and wonderful corner of the State of Maryland. I don't believe Delegate Norm Conway is truly carrying the voice of our area to Annapolis. You can see this in his votes for things like a 20% increase in the state sales tax and his vote for the rain tax. It's with the thought and philosophy of carrying your message to Annapolis that I am so passionate about representing District 38b and Wicomico County.
Thank you to everyone who has liked this page in the last few days. My campaign is a community effort. I need your vote, but it would also help me if you shared this page, brought friends and family to events or if you could give us a contribution. I'm very thankful and honored by your support. #letsmakeithappen